A scoop of poop to pull the plug on recurring diarrhea!
Human feces to fight infection causing bacteria.
When all else fails and when all hope fades away in this world, a hero doesn't necessarily have to 'rise' to the occasion always. Sometimes a hero as humble as the 'Poop' just 'drops' to save people suffering from infections caused by bad, evil, stubborn bacteria.
Little does one expect human feces to fight bacteria that can sometimes cause life threatening symptoms. In fact we all perceive fecal matter to be the warehouse of several disease causing bacteria. But the truth is that poop from a healthy person can counteract and stop the bacteria from running amok in people suffering from gastro- intestinal infections (infection of the stomach and the intestines).
Did you know?
The human intestines are home to at least 1000 different species of micro organisms and most of them are harmless and even aid in digesting our food and maintaining our health by not letting harmful bacteria grown in sufficient numbers to cause infections.
One of the most important causes of severe and infectious diarrhea (though a rare one when compared to the other harmful intestinal bacteria) is Clostridium difficile, commonly known as C.diff. It is important and is presently getting all the medical attention because it kills nearly 14,000 people in the US alone and more importantly there are no drugs/ antibiotics that can successfully kill or eliminate these bad guys (& if you think your hand sanitizer can kill it....think twice...'cause it can do no harm to these bacteria). They have developed resistance to all kinds of medicines and have therefore become 'evil superbugs'.
C.diff infection symptoms: The symptoms can range from mild to sometimes life threatening. Mild symptoms include- Diarrhea 3 to 4 times a day and mild abdominal pain and severe symptoms include- Watery diarrhea 15 times a day, severe stomach ache, fever, lack of appetite & sometimes blood in the stool.
Clostridium difficile grows in the digestive system and since it is resistant to every drug available, the other harmless and beneficial bacteria get killed when you take medicines to get rid of the infection. Now, with the intestines being empty, C.diff multiplies rapidly because there's no competition from other bacteria for food or space. If you think taking more powerful antibiotics will be the answer to this problem then you are completely mistaken. This will only complicate or perhaps aggravate the problem further by killing the healthy bacteria again & again and preventing them from regaining their place in the intestine, thereby helping C.diff indirectly.
Use of probiotics can be one solution to this problem. Probiotics are those which encourage the growth of beneficial bacteria. Yogurt is the best example of a natural & easily available probiotic & sometimes post gastro-intestinal infections the Lactobacillus pills that the doctor prescribes, to restore good bacteria in the intestines, function as an excellent probiotic as well.
Strange as it may sound, human fecal matter can act as an excellent probiotic. Fresh stool from a healthy person (one who isn't on any antibiotics) contains millions of good bacteria. Using human stool as a probiotic isn't a new idea. It has been there for a long time now, but people have forgotten and haven't given this technique enough attention because of the advent of highly powerful drugs that could almost kill any bacteria. That was until now. We have now realized that rampant & unchecked use of antibiotics for every small infection has led to the birth of evil super-bugs and we are now back to finding & developing biological weapons and means of fighting these bad eggs.
As a part of developing methods of fighting bacteria without the use of drugs, doctors are currently pursuing research on transplanting poop from a healthy person to the person suffering from C.diff infection. Read on to find out how it's done-
Fecal Transplant & How It Is performed:
- Take fresh stool from a healthy donor.
- Test the stool for any infectious or disease causing bacteria.
- Once the stool passes the tests, take a small portion of it and put it in a blender and add some saline to it.
- Blend it for an entire minute.
Image source: http://thepowerofpoop.com/epatients/fecal-transplant-instructions/ - Take a strainer to filter the processed feces to remove any solid or undigested food particles.
- Pour it into small bottles and spin them (in a centrifuge) for 15 minutes. This separates the good bacteria from the saline.
Image source: http://www.healthy-holistic-living.com/faecal-transplants-first-prescription-medicinal-poo.html
Now the feces are ready to be transplanted into the patient.
Methods of Transplant:
They can either be transplanted through enema (a procedure in which liquids are injected into the rectum or intestines through anus with the help of a flexible tube) or through a nasogastric tube (a tube that runs through the nose to the intestines).
The processed fecal matter which has about 33 different species of beneficial bacteria, is filled in the intestine. It will be interesting to note that just 150 grams of processed poop is enough to treat 3 patients as it contains trillions of good bacteria.
Methods of Transplant:
They can either be transplanted through enema (a procedure in which liquids are injected into the rectum or intestines through anus with the help of a flexible tube) or through a nasogastric tube (a tube that runs through the nose to the intestines).
The processed fecal matter which has about 33 different species of beneficial bacteria, is filled in the intestine. It will be interesting to note that just 150 grams of processed poop is enough to treat 3 patients as it contains trillions of good bacteria.
It has been reported that this procedure is safe, has no complications or side effects and is certainly well tolerated by the human body. It is said that it can be performed even on children. The success rate of this transplant apparently is an astounding 85-95%.
No, I'm not talking about a piggy bank shaped like poop..!!!
To ensure ready availability of fecal matter, a University in the US collects feces from donors and processes them & freezes them ready for transplant.
In US they even have a 'Poop Bank' collecting & freezing feces and the bank also pays $40 to the donor!!! So in short you get paid for donating your poop...!!! The donors' names are however kept anonymous and they get 'super pooper nicknames' and the more you donate the higher you climb the super pooper character rankings..!!!
Poop pills- The next step in fecal therapy: Wanna pop some?
Doctors are currently developing capsules of processed & frozen fecal matter, which contain good bacteria and can be easily given to the patients, that is through oral administration. These capsules once developed completely, will be the most preferred route of fecal therapy, since it wont require sending tubes with fecal matter up the nose or up the rectum. Not to worry the capsules wont stink and certainly wont stink you up after taking them.
A word of caution: Fecal transplant is considered an experimental procedure by the FDA in US and wont officially recommend the procedure to the patients.
Remember, it takes all types to make and save the world and its inhabitants. So donate your poop and save someone and become a super pooper yourself...!!!
Image source: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/573434965024444809/
And finally an ode to the humble hero-
All you need is a scoop of poop
When all the drugs fail to rescue
Li'l did we know that poop is the hero
Possibly with the best bow & arrow
The bacteria begin to act despotic
When they develop resistance to all antibiotic
The hero does act like a probiotic
When your guts go all chaotic
He might look all brown and lumpy
And he might smell all icky and nasty
But he is sure to slay Clostridium difficile
With the precision of a guided missile.
So always remember,
All you need is a scoop of poop!
1) Boston.com. 2014. A Poop Bank in Massachusetts Will Pay You $40 Every Day. [ONLINE] Available at:http://www.boston.com/health/2014/10/15/poop-bank-massachusetts-will-pay-you-per-dump/FMMhBXMKyFNTRXKoThmnpM/story.html. [Accessed 29 November 14].
2) CTV News. 2013. Experimental fecal transplants could revolutionize treatment of bowel diseases . [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.ctvnews.ca/health/experimental-fecal-transplants-could-revolutionize-treatment-of-bowel-diseases-1.1445800. [Accessed 30 November 14].
3) Gothamist. 2014. Will You Donate Your Poop To Science?. [ONLINE] Available at:http://gothamist.com/2014/11/09/a_group_of_nyc_doctors_needs_your_p.php. [Accessed 26 November 14].
4) Healthy Holistic Living. 2014. Fecal Transplants: not the first prescription of medicinal poo. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.healthy-holistic-living.com/faecal-transplants-first-prescription-medicinal-poo.html. [Accessed 20 November 14].
5) Indiana University Division of Gastroenterology/ Hepatology. 2013. Fecal Microbiota Transplant for Recurrent Clostridium difficile Infection. [ONLINE] Available at:http://medicine.iupui.edu/gast/programs/fecal-microbiota/. [Accessed 17 November 14].
6) NHS. 2014. 'Poo in a pill' may help treat C. difficile infection. [ONLINE] Available at:http://www.nhs.uk/news/2014/10October/Pages/Poo-in-a-pill-may-help-treat-C-difficile-infection.aspx. [Accessed 30 November 14].
7) The Power of Poop. 2013. Fecal Transplant At Home – DIY Instructions. [ONLINE] Available at:http://thepowerofpoop.com/epatients/fecal-transplant-instructions/. [Accessed 01 December 14].
8) WebMD. 2014. C.diff. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/clostridium-difficile-colitis. [Accessed 01 December 14].